Onsdag 210317

EGO CrossFit – WOD

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A: Bulgarian split squats (3 sets x 8 reps/leg @30X1 with 2 KB:s)

3 sets x 8 reps/leg @30X1 with 2 KB:s

Immediately followed by…

Dynamic Jumping Bulgarian Split Squats x 12 reps/leg @10X0 without weight

Rest 90 sec between legs.


Pull-Up Progressions –

B1. For 60 sec, perform one set of:
Kipping Half Toes-To-Bar x 6-10 reps
*Allow your knees to bend in the loading position as necessary to make the half toes-to-bar as easy as possible via leg momentum.

B2. Every minute, on the minute, for 4 min (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Lat Insertion Pull-Ups x 6-10 reps
Interval 2 – Pull-Up Negatives x 5 reps @ 41A1
*If you feel you are not able to control the negative all they way to full extension of the arms and scaps, place your feet on a box or the floor to assist the descent of the negative as necessary.

B3. Every minute, on the minute, for 3 min (3 sets) of:
Pull-Ups with Scaling Options x 8 reps @ 1111
*Each set should finish at :40 seconds. If you finish your first set before :40 seconds make the appropriate adjustments to your second and third sets to keep your tempo accurate.

Or Kipping or Butterfly Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps


C: 210317 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP x 16 min:

8 One arm DB Hang Clean Thrusters

10 One arm DB Overhead Reverse Lunges

12 One arm DB Snatch

14 One arm DB Box Step overs