EGO CrossFit – WOD
A1: Rear foot elevated split squat (db:s at sides) (3 sets x 6-8 reps/leg @30X1, rest 60 sec)
A2: Strict pullups (3 sets x 30 sec AMRAP, rest 60 sec)
A3: Seated Arnold Press (@2112 3 sets x 6-8 reps/arm, rest 60 sec)
B: 190410 (Time)
4 rounds, each for time:
8 Box step overs
8 Single arm KB Clean & jerk (right arm)
8 Box step overs
8 Single arm KB Clean & jerk (left arm)
(Start a new round every 2 min (scale accordingly). During the box step over, keep the KB in the front rack)