EGO CrossFit – WOD
A. 3 sets of:
1: Full Support Hold on Low Rings x 20 sec
2: Catch Position Hold on Low Rings x 10 sec
B. Negative Ring muscle-ups, 3 sets x 3 reps, (5-10 sec lowering down)
C: 190617 (Weight)
EMOM x 15 min:
1: 10 Kettlebell Russian twists (10/side)
2: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 5 Dumbbell Hang power Cleans + 4 Dumbbell Push press
3: Assault bike 35 sec @85-90%
WOD Team
180512 (Time)
2&2, with only one person working at a time, complete:
100 Kettlebell swings
400 m Run*
100 Sit-Ups
400 m Run
80 Burpees
400 m Run
100 Sit-Ups
400 m Run
100 Kettlebell swings
*Both athletes perform the run at the same time.