Vecka 38



Jog 60s @ easy effort
30s Squat hold + 30s air squats
Jog 60s @ moderate effort
30s Squat hold + 30s jumping air squats

Front squat 2 x 10 reps with empty barbell. Work on depth and positioning.



Every 2:00 x 8 sets total
Front squat

10 Reps is with a light load, about 20% of your max, then increase throughout the sets. The last 3 sets should all be at a very challenging load (ideally just before failure, but not actually hitting failure) which is likely in the 85-90% range.


90s Work : 90s rest x 5 sets
8 Lunge steps (4 per leg)
8 box jumps
Max calories Assault bike/Row/Ski

Lunge steps: Clean a barbell in to the front rack position and then take 4 steps per leg on the spot, stepping backwards in to each rep. Loading should be heavy for this workout to act as a strength challenge, my suggestion would be about 60% of your heaviest set of 3 front squats from PART A.
Box jumps should be done to a higher box than you would usually use in a workout to make these 8 reps challeging. Either flip the box to the next height or simply add a plate on top of the box to increase the height. You should hopefully have 30-40 seconds on the bike/row/ski each round. Push at a hard pace but remember that it needs to be sustainable over 5 sets.


4 Sets:
10 Strict V-ups
20 Hollow twists (very slow)
10 Tuck crunch
-Rest 60s



30s work : 15s rest, alternate between stations
A: Bear crawl
B: Russian KB Swings
C: Hand release push ups
D: KB Sumo DL high pulls
x 2 of each

3 Warm up sets of:
8 Bench press
4 Dual KB cleans



Every 2:30 x 6 sets
Bench press x 8-6-4-4-4-4 reps
Dual KB Hang cleans x 6 reps + 20s front rack hold

The 8 reps of bench press should be arund 50% of your max, increase to 60-70% of the 6 reps and then the 4 sets of 4 should all be at a very heavy and challenging load (do not push to failure)

The hang cleans should be with a challenging weight but this is not a movement we do very often so be sure to get the technique nailed before you add load. Hold the front rack position for 20s after the final rep.

This should act as a good primer for the met-con today, meaning you will need much less warm up time with the barbell before getting started there.


For Time:
Row/Ski 1000/800m or Assault bike 60/48 cal
15 Power cleans
Row/Ski 750/600m or Assault bike 45/36 cal
10 Power cleans
Row/ski 500/400m or Assault bike 30/24 cal
5 Power cleans

Time cap: 16 Minutes

RX Load: 80/55kg

A longer effort today that requires good pacing on the row/ski/bike machine. Think about long and efficient strokes, really utilizing your leg drive so that your arms (biceps) do not get overly fatigued before the cleans.

The power cleans should be at a heavy load today that focres you to do single reps at about a 6s per rep pace.


3 Working sets:
Seated lateral DB raises x 12-15 reps
Prone Y-raises x 12-15 reps
-Rest 90s between sets



4 Minute AMRAP @ warm up effort
5 Shuttle runs
5 Inch worm push ups
15 Air squats

2 Sets:
8 Wall balls
4 Burpees
20 Double unders
4 Burpees



Alternating EMOM x 36 Minutes
Min 1: 15-25 Wall balls
Min 2: 10-15 Burpees
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: 50-90 Double unders
Min 5: 10-15 Burpees
Min 6: Rest

*Start a new movement each minute
*Work for around 50 seconds in each minute, allowing time to transition to the next.
*Choose a rep scheme that feels challenging but sustainable for the 36 minutes.

B (optional if you have time)

2-4 Quality sets of:
YTWs x 7 reps per direction
Deadbugs x 20 reps
-Rest 90s between sets-

If you have time/energy left over in the class then finish with a few quality sets of this upper-back and core work.


4 Sets:
5 Dual Db bicep curls
10-15s Ring support hold
5 Paralette shoot throughs
-Rest 90s between sets-



Jog 200m @ easy effort


2 rounds of:
20 Calf raises on a plate
10 Forward leg swings per leg
10 Lateral leg swings per leg


Jog 200m @ moderate effort



Run 200m
30s Plank hold
Run 400m
60s Plank hold
Run 600m
90s Plank hold
Run 800m
2m Plank hold
Run 1000m

This is a modification of a workout from last week. It is very simple in design but the long plank holds are a skill that (if done right) can be very challenging.
Do the holds with elbows on the ground and make sure that the shoulders are directly over the elbows. Work hard to maintain a tight bodyline throughout the hold.
Sub the running for biking or another cardio machine if needed. (The runs are intended to take about 1-2-3-4-5 minutes of work)


Superset 3-5 rounds of:
Barbell hip thrusts x 8 reps @ heavy load
Single arm DB Bent over row x 8 reps per arm @ heavy load
20 Russian plate twists
-Rest up to 90s between sets-

Complete 3-5 sets depending on how much time and energy you have left after the long workout. Go heavy on the hip thrusts and rows to really challege your posterior chain. Keep the twists slow and controlled throughout.


3 Sets:
10 Seated DB strict press
-Rest 10-15s
10 Kipping HSPU
-Rest up to 2m



2 Sets with an empty barbell
7 Snatch pulls
7 Hang muscle snatch
7 Push press (snatch grip, behind the neck)
7 Power snatch

Spend 6-8 minutes as a group working on power snatch technique to get the body primed for the heavier lift. In this time include warm up reps up to the chosen workout weight.



On 0:00
5 Rounds for time:
15 TTB
10 Power snatch 50/35kg
Time cap: 10:00

On 12:00
Build to a power snatch heavy single in 8 minutes

A high skill effort to finish the week. Grip will be a big factor in the first part so break up your TTB sets in to smaller ones to make sure you are not pushing to failure. Work in small TNG sets or quick singles on the barbell.
If needed swap the barbell reps for 20 alternating DB snatch (for very inexperienced members or people with shoulder limitations)



10 Minute quality work:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of
Strict pull ups
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 reps of
Strict push ups

Spend 10 minutes working your way up this ladder focusing on quality reps throughout.


3 Sets:
KB Windmills x 5 reps per arm
Palof hold x 20-30s per side
Rest 60s between sets

3 Sets:
Side plank adductor holds x 20-30s per side
Rest 60s between sets