Onsdag 190529

EGO CrossFit – WOD

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A1: Split squats ( 3 sets x 6 reps/leg @2020)

Single Arm Kettlebell

Front Rack.

A2: Muscle-Up Ring Row (3 sets x 6-8 reps @3030)

B1: Turkish Situp (3 sets x 6-8 reps @30X1)

Dual kettlebells.

B2: Side Plank (3 sets x 20 sec/side)

Star plank with weight.


C: 190529 (Weight)

In teams of 3, 5 rounds of:

30 sec Wall Sit

30 sec Farmers carry

30 sec Assault bike (increase pace every set)

Rotate with 15 sec rest between