EGO CrossFit – WOD
A: Power Snatch (5 x 3 @55%, 4 x 3 @60%)
Power Snatch, every minute x 5:
3 reps (Touch and go @ca 55% of 1 RM)
Power Snatch, every minute x 4:
3 reps (Touch and go @ca 60% of 1 RM)
B: Overhead Squat (4-4-4 reps @32X1, rest 90 sec)
C: 190514 (Time)
For time:
35 Unbroken Kettlebell swings
400 m Run
25 Unbroken Kettlebell swings
400 m Run
15 Unbroken Kettlebell swings
Unbroken or divided in max 2 sets.