Torsdag 170330

EGO CrossFit – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


For the following 20 minutes, increase the loading on the barbell each set, allowing the initial positional work to help you build into heavy loading for your full cleans from the floor. Rest 60 sec between A & B, 60 sec between B & C.

A: High-Hang Clean

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
High Hang Clean x 1 rep @ 50-65 of 1-RM Clean

B: Hang Clean

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Clean x 1 rep @ 65-80% of 1-RM Clean

C: Clean

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 80+% of 1-RM Clean


170330 (Time)

For time:
30 Shuttle runs
30 Alternating Pistols
30 Power Cleans (heavy)

Metcon Green

170330 Green (Time)

For time:
30 Shuttle runs
30 Walking lunges
30 Power Cleans