Tisdag 150310

EGO CrossFit – WOD

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A1: Back Squat (5 sets x 5 reps, rest 60 sec)

A2: Strict Toes-To-Bar (5 sets x max reps, rest 60 sec)

B: EMOM x 10 (No Measure)

EMOM x 10
Odd: 5-10 OHS with 2 sec pause in the bottom (you choose the weight)
Even: 20-30 DU:s


150310 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4 rounds of:
AMRAP x 3 min:
9 Wall ball shots 9/6 kg
9 Box Jumps 60/40 cm
Rest 1 min

(Pick up where you leave off)